We have been sitting tight on this fantabulous shoot from last summer until it got published on The Wedding Row recently, so we are so excited to finally share it on our own blog!
First, take a peek at our short film from the shoot, shot solely on iPhones. Sean himself composed the soundtrack, and we incorporated a Walt Whitman poem, which we had our wonderful muse Maggie read. Our dear friend Shane Greer is responsible for the audio engineering. Many thanks to him.
http://www.seanmoney-elizabethfay.com/ Film by Sean Money + Elizabeth Fay Music by Sean Money Audio Engineering by Shane Greer Poem by Walt Whitman
Special thanks to Sara York Grimshaw Designs for the amazing floral crowns that Maggie is wearing. The super rad gilded skull and wildebeest skull came from Arsenal Designed. Check out their shop in South Windemere for all sorts of treasures. Her various dresses came from Urban Outfitters, Free People, and Nasty Gal.